Brantford Arts Block

Artist Spotlight: Lukas Newhouse

Share a little bit about yourself and what you create.
My name is Lukas Newhouse and I front local indie-rock band Outside Voices. I’ve grown up in Brantford my whole life, and can attribute it to my love music. From the time I started going to local punk shows at J’s place or the Ford Plant, or watching my Dad play in the George Rose Big Band at The Sanderson Centre, Brantford has always offered me something to enjoy about it’s music culture. The most endearing part about Brantford’s music scene has always been the sense of community. Everyone knows everyone, and it’s like a big family reunion every time the weekend roles around and there’s another show to go to. I have played in bands since I was 14, and can still remember my first time playing live at North Parks Coffee House. Since then I’ve jammed with numerous local musicians and bands, and made connections with music lovers all over the city and surrounding areas. Outside Voices is now the culmination of these experiences. After cutting my teeth with various metal bands during high school, It’s good to return to purer form of expression. We like playing rock songs with our best friends, and singing about what we know and what we do. Music has been an evolution for me, and I can say Brantford had been the driving force.

What is your creative process like and what inspires it?
I am constantly creating and reflecting. Many times I will get an idea in my head and when I go to translate it to paper or an instrument it will change and grow into something completely different than the original idea I had. My workspace is eclectic but organized. Much like my creative process, it changes to fit my needs based on what I am trying to accomplish. The growth and development of my art is what fuels me to continue. There is always another angle to work from or a technique to master. Other art forms are always inspiring. Music is the most obvious inspiration for me as a musician, but often times I will be visually stimulated by something and feel the need to write about it or create music to it. Feelings are the most conducive to creation however. The desire to capture or emulate a feeling will always be at the root of art I create.

What has been your favourite creative moment?
My favourite creative moment is the first time I heard people singing along with the lyrics I wrote. It was a surreal experience, and has since been a driving force for me to continue to create songs that people identify with enough to sing along.

What else do you enjoy doing with your time?
I am a Recreation Therapy student, and I love to play! I work with children with special needs, and it is incredibly rewarding. Playing games and singing songs will always be something I enjoy doing, especially if I get to share that experience with a child who loves it just as much.

Does creativity run into your family? If so, who is creative and what do they do?
I have an incredibly creative family. My Dad is local musician like myself, and has always been a source of knowledge and a model of integrity for me in the local music scene. My mom also plays music and sings in the Grand River Chorus. She has always been supportive of my creative endeavors. Growing up in this creative environment has been an asset to me.

How can we learn more about your work?
Outside Voices Facebook Band Page
Outside Voices Youtube Page
Outside Voices Tumbr Page

Where would you like your art to take you?
My only goal for my art is for it to have an effect on people. I want people to enjoy it, and to get something out of it. If I can accomplish these things, then everything else is secondary. So I would like my art to take me somewhere where I can reach as many people as I can.

How long have you lived in Brantford?
21 years, with stints in Niagara during school terms.

What is your favourite restaurant in town?
Lonnie’s on Market St. for late at night, and Angels Diner the next day for breakfast. Mmmmm Brantford.

What local spaces or landmarks do you find inspiring?
Before it closed, the Ford Plant was the bevy of local music and culture for me growing up. Since then 2 Doors Down has found a new family of music lovers. My hope is that the Brantford Arts Block can continue this tradition and serve as resource for kids growing up with the music scene.

What change would you like to see in Brantford?
More all age’s opportunities for live music. Growing up I learned the most about music going to shows and meeting other like-minded kids. Many bars are afraid of taking the risk with all ages shows because of the harsh repercussions of under age drinking. I would like to see Brantford offer a location for new music that is all ages, with out the inherent risks involved with underage kids at bars.
