Brantford Arts Block

Artist Spotlight: Heather Vollans

Share a little bit about yourself and what you create.
I am a mixed media mosaic artist working with a multitude of materials – often salvaged construction materials and concrete combined with other textures. I have been exhibiting and teaching art in the Brantford area for the past 3-4 yrs. I live near Lynden, on a farm and have the pleasure of working from a studio that gives me beautiful views and inspiration.
I have been hugely influenced by my travels. Being Australian-born perhaps I was genetically programmed to love desert colours! I then lived in the Middle East where the contours of the sand, its textures and colours collided in my mind with beautiful textiles and the colourful influence of people from all over the globe. From there I moved to Europe where textiles, art, nature, and history continued its heady influence. I continue to be inspired by textures all around me. .. rusting metals, patterns of dirt and grime on a truck, plastic wrapping materials, aluminum, old paint peeling, bark … I journeyed through many arts/crafts before finally discovering mosaic about 10 yrs ago, but all of these influences are part of the place I have come to.

What is your creative process like and what inspires it?
My work process sometimes takes a very long time – from the discovery of a material/texture, thinking about what to do with it, what to combine it with, what story or idea I want to convey, to finally producing the art. I spend a lot of time thinking about all those processes before I actually begin work…sometimes more than a year from when I find the materials. But there are also times when I am so on fire I know exactly what I’m going to do and can’t wait to get home and start! The naming of the work usually comes as a result of the process, the many hours of contemplation, or sometimes well after the work is completed.

Much of my work is produced using salvaged materials. It is why I do art. I am passionate about environmental issues and what we as individuals can do to make a difference.
I am also interested in presenting art which speaks to the human condition – how we are affected by decisions we make, what we can do to change things around us, how we respond to emotional situations etc. I am currently working on a series on the human health and environmental destruction resulting from mining copper. The series asks whether mining copper for its beauty and practicality in our lives is worth the human health cost and the ravaging of the land it causes. The more I research the subject the more I realize there is so much to learn and it has become an all-consuming passion…and this all began with a can of paint called “copper mine”!

My studio is a large converted barn. It’s a great size, but never seems big enough. It has fabulous light and faces out onto open fields. With heat and my music, it’s a wonderful space to be in.

What has been your favourite creative moment?
Working with children on the Children’s Memorial Gardens project in Brantford was an incredible inspiration. The children’s raw emotions and honesty touched me. I had many sleepless nights thinking about the stories of their lives and what they had lost. I felt a heavy burden to produce something that would bring hope from those stories and a way for the children to move forward. The project was total immersion for 7 mths, with huge highs and lows. And probably the most emotional project I have ever worked on.

What else do you enjoy doing with your time?
To see art! It’s always on the top of my list when I travel. I also enjoy being part of the local art scene and being inspired by others. History – not just what happened, but why it happened and what it has to teach us and how we are influenced by what has gone before. Nature of course is also top of the list…well it’s full of texture of course! Places off the beaten track are the favourites.
Travel, travel and more travel. I used to love cooking, but now after raising 2 children and a husband I am happy just to eat healthily – and out often.

Does creativity run into your family? If so, who is creative and what do they do?
Both sides of my family are very musical – grandparents, parents, aunts, cousins. My in-laws are also talented musically. I learned singing for many years. My daughter sings beautifully – mostly blues and folk – and writes music and lyrics well. My grandfather painted, badly but with passion! He was also a photographer and avid collector of anything! Knitting, sewing and a myriad of crafts are prolific in the family. My mother tried every craft available and was an innovative chef. My husband is an eloquent writer and creative project manager. My son loves his truck! enjoys building things and is a well-loved foreman. So yes, much creativity.

How can we learn more about your work?
[email protected]

• Email – [email protected]
Facebook – Heather Vollans
Website – Heather Vollans

Where would you like your art to take you?
Producing art is very much about process. Every year my work seems to change: I am influenced by different things, my thought processes are different, my passions divergent. More exhibiting is definitely a priority. And teaching’s important to me: would like to expand my teaching to more schools and community groups. I want to promote more recycling for art. I am also interested in teaching further afield on large-scale community projects with a social purpose.

How long have you lived in Brantford?
I have lived in Brantford for 14 years.

What is your favourite restaurant in town?
Blue Dog. Love their coffee and atmosphere….and always meet somebody I know! And there is always local art to check out.

What local spaces or landmarks do you find inspiring?
Grand River for sure. I love collecting detritus – stones, driftwood etc.
And of course the Children’s Memorial Garden on Brant Avenue! Check it out and come to the dedication/opening in June 2013.

What change would you like to see in Brantford?
More public art for the people– and perhaps some temporary art on big empty wall spaces.

One Response to “Artist Spotlight: Heather Vollans”
  1. TERRY...... says:


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