Monday Dec 13


The art of knitting has evolved from the social stigma of the grandma
generation to the 21 century mind regeneration.
Recent studies prove that knitting is especially beneficial for those with ADD/ADHD.
Knitting is becoming a new yoga and because of this many Canadians are being attracted
to knitting as a stress reliever, and self-confidence builder.
T h e  A r t i s t

An aspiring knitter, Gloria Ord has been mastering her craft for over 50 years.
She has developed many advanced techniques and has handcrafted a variety of
objects from clothing to toys for people.
Her goal is to spread the joy of knitting and her personal wish is to see knitting
return into the school curriculum.

Knitting, in general is not a wealthy market. It’s difficult for knitters to make a
living of out it, which is why it’s viewed as a hobby.  In recent years however, a number
of canadians have become more and more intrigued by hand made craftsmanship. Gloria
wants to take advantage of this and has come to the Art’s Block in hopes of selling
her products and teaching others the joy of knitting.  Her classes range from beginner to
intermediate and to advanced in hopes of bringing newly interested people,
(yes including males) and to develop more skills for people who are already familiarized.

If anyone is looking for hand knit items, beautifully finished, high quality work
manship, whether it’s a present for a wedding, baby, or graduation, a personalized
or clothing gift, visit our gift shop located in our arts centre at 80 Dalhousie Street.

C o n t a c t

For all Custom work contact Gloria at:
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*Prices can range from $5.00 to $75.00



