Tuesday Jun 21

How to Sell Your Work at the Brantford Arts Block

If you are a local artisan interested in selling your work in our gift shop, please send your completed Consignment Request form to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Once we have had the chance to review your work and the current inventory in our gift shop we will contact you. Since our gift shop space is limited we want to make sure we have adequate  space to properly display a variety of complimentary items. Once you have received your confirmation you may proceed by filling out  both a Membership Agreement and a Consignment Agreement.  

Consignment Period

Our consignment period is typically 6 months. If at the end of the consignment period the merchandise remains unsold, either the consignment period can be extended or the merchandise can be removed.  Any costs incurred from the removal and delivery of unsold merchandise shall be your responsibility.


The Brantford Arts Block will make every attempt to obtain the best possible price for the consigned merchandise and will accept no less than the purchase price indicated by you in the New Inventory Form, which is part of the Consignment Agreement Form. The Brantford Arts Block is entitled to retain 20% of the purchase price as its commission.

If a sale of your item(s) is made, the Brantford Arts Block willl forward a cheque to you for the amount of the full purchase price less the aforementioned 20% commission to you. Cheques are typically made out quarterly, and include all sales which occurred during that time period.

Documentation and Description of Items

To display your merchandise at the Brantford Arts Block you will need 2 signed copies of our Consignment Agreement Form  as well as 2 signed copies of our items list.  Please include the following information for each piece, if applicable:

  1. Artist
  2. Title/Date 
  3. Description of medium 
  4. Size of work (H x W, in inches, excluding mat/frame) 
  5. Do you own the copyright to the work? If not, does someone else? 
  6. Condition

NOTE: Condition will be verified upon arrival at the Brantford Arts Block by receiving staff. If a difference is noted, the artist will be contacted to discuss it before the work goes up for sale.


The Brantford Arts Block does not currently carry insurance for items in its gift shop. Individual homeowner’s insurance may cover your items. You should discuss this with your insurance agent. The Brantford Arts Block is not liable for loss or damage to any items on consignment while being displayed on our premises. Please take precautions to limit likeliness of damage (i.e., framing with glass vs. plexiglass, etc.). 

Interested in selling your items in our gift shop? Please contact: 
 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  with the above information.


Support the Brantford Arts Block today.

Upcoming Events

28.05.2011 13:00 - 02.07.2011 16:00
Exhibition - CDBA@ The Block

23.06.2011 19:00 - 21:00
Painting 2

30.06.2011 19:00 - 21:00
Painting 2

08.07.2011 - 13.08.2011
Exhibition - Fragmented Reality

08.07.2011 19:00 - 22:00
Opening Night -Fragmented Reality

11.07.2011 09:00 - 16:00
Summer Art School - week 1

12.07.2011 09:00 - 16:00
Summer Art School - week 1

13.07.2011 09:00 - 16:00
Summer Art School - week 1

Consignment Agreement

BAB Images

Click below to check out some great BAB photos.
